Saturday, August 8, 2009

--->to0 long<----

salam...hey guys,,sorry 4 da long time no post..huhu..its just a simptom of malas la nk type2..
but tonight t'tbe plak feeling nk post..btw,,i just arrived home from my tok n tok wan's m.ndak buat kenduri baby cute im thinkng that i will have a baby like that la..haha..tengah2 org busy ngn kenduri tu bleh plak la my head felt like so dizzy n my body such very eyes got some pain,,(but its not becoz my lens ok)..i hate this feeling..and as usual,,my dad la yg plng worry n rushingly took me to da la buat gempak je aku nih..huhu...

hhmm,,,after got a little conversation with that younger doc,,he told me that perhaps i got a i..but it just suspect je,,this monday i have 2 see him again?...laa ni yg mls ni..huhuhu...just imagine,,how could he gave me like a dozen medicine..nk bunuh aku ke ape ni..waaa...pnt nk telan satu2 ubat tu...

just now im having some chatting with my lovely kak zura...waahhh i miss u damn much kak..but it just a while,,x smpai 10 mnt kot,,huhu...hope we'll meet later on,,so that bleh la kite mumble rumble smpai mlm kn kak,,maklum la,,same2 talkative..hak2..

and actually,,to tell u guys da truth,,im waiting 4 someone..hhmm,,im waiting a call from him..tonight he wants to give me a suprised i thought..i do not know what is it,,it just my instinct..i have a very good instinct u know,,..n now im trying to be so patient n ready for what im going to face karang...i do not know why,,since dr umah tok td,,hati i asyek sedih je,,mate pn asyek berair je..until my tears cannot help gushing down td..xtau la knape..mcm sayu sgt3 tonight..(wt cuat je,,pdhal xtau pon ape2 lagi)...but,,its ok,,ill try to face anything strongly..

yg pasti,,i cannot feel that way,,i cannot feel so down,,..hey zahidah,,whatever happens,,please think about ur body k..ur stil weak,,please dun to0 will affected 2 ur immunity to0..but sure im stil wondering,,n scary..huhuhu...hope evrythings gonna be alrite..amiinn...