Someone gave me a call just so impress to pick it was nothing..but quite funny happy to hear that u are with ur 'trusted' friends..seriously,,i was worried about u..u know y?because awk kwn ngn sume org,,yg behave pelik2,,that i think they are not suitable to u..bukan ape,,im worry if ur influenced by them..mayb u can take care of urself,,but since awk start close with them,,ur change a bit..u know getting fear of u,,n im worry so much about u every single days..
And when i heard u were hang out with ur ''Darul Syifa' '' friends td,,i feel...lega sgt3...i know i can trust them..they are ur best friends ever..n i can trust u a lot whenever ur with them..take care careful dearest!..awadduka shadid jiddan..(n_n)v
Sabda Nabi SAW,,
'berkawanlah dengan penjual minyak wangi,,nescaya harumannya itu akan melekat pdmu'
Zahidah,,keep on prayer,,Allah will never dissapoint u..u just need some patience ok..its just the matter of time..and it will gonna be alright..put ur trust in Allah,,n keep on Doa...
Salam Ramadhan guys..may our Ramadhan this year will more greatful than previous..aminn..pepun,,keep on our prayer oqey!!
but to tell u,,Ramadhan this year such differ to feeling different than before..semacam sayu sgt..i do not know what exactly happen to me right now..why do am i keep on crying?every single night,,my tears shedding,,sampai bantal basah2..kenape aku ni huh?huhuhu...i am dissapointed!..dissapointed of someone..i can do i trying to change someone's behaviour??oh no i guess,,because it cannot work at all..i dont know what to do,,im truly dissapointed! just keep on prayer,,hope one day everythings gonna be alright as before...aminnnn...
ala ape ni zahidah..come on,,bulan ramadhan bukan untuk sedih2..but actually,,i can pretend to others that i am definitely alright,,but deep inside...i am not..!
but,betul la ape yg Allah b'firman..
'ala bizikrillah tadmainnal qulub' (dgn mengingati Allah,,hati akan tenang)
Whenever i feel sad,,depressed,,n dissapointment..cepat2 ambil wudu',n baca al Quran..hey guys,,try this,,n u will realize thats are really amazing...memang betul2 tenang lepas doesnt need to take cigarette or what else to release tension ok (stupid ideas) Quran tu dah cukup..x caye,,try la buat..
i do want to ask some ques la..but i do not know to whom i could ask type jela kan..huhu..
"why men like takes cigarette to release tension? even they know it will destroy them? is it because nafsu?or influenced by someone?"
haha sile2 jawab...i hate it much..jerk..but then,,wherever i go,,there are so many men smoking..rimaslaa...waaaaa sedih laaa....kalaulah aku ada power,,for sure aku akan tlg hentikan benda ni..huhuhuhu...frankly,,its hard for me to accept it..please sgt100...i implore u,,im begging u...saya merayu sangat3...please stop it!!!..jgn buat saya mcm hurt!!=(
hope this Ramadhan will help u to stop it..ill pray for it..but u have to push urself as well...we can do it..gambatte!!!!
okei dokei,,..aku ni asyik talks nonsence je..x penat ke..huhu..
Last Saturday (15 august),,a Seminar Kepimpinan Belia was held at Masjid Bandar Baru Nilai by PEMBINA ISMA was a veryy very ssuupperbbb seminar ever..started from 8.30 in the morning,,but sorry to say,,i was coming at 11,,malas bgn awal..haha teruk btol..and its end at 3.30 in evening..first slot was about 'Ramadhan yang lebih bermakna' by Ust was great!..masa i msk hall tu (i was late right),,terus nampak muke ust tu kt atas stage..mase tu terus terlintas,,'alah ni mesti boring ni,,ngantuk la cmni'..but after few minutes,,i felt sooo lost,,sebab datang lambat..betul la org ckp,,x kenal maka x cinta(welk2),,ust tu bg talk gler best r!!memang selalu if people talked about fasting,,usually its the same thing right..pahala berganda,,pintu syurga terbuka,,setan kene ikat,,n yg sewaktu masa ust ni bg talk laagggiiii mendalam..setiap yg diperkatakan tu akan beserta dengan proves,,ayat quran la of coz..i do not know how to put it into words..sesiapa yg pergi seminar tu tau la..memang best..tetiba rasa insaf pon ada jugak..huhu...i feel quite sad la,,each time i ask my friends to go such event,,ada je alasan dorang..sedih sebab saye sorg je yg dpt pengisian hebat mcm tu..but my friends??..i do not know how to say lg..xkan nk push plak kan,,benda2 mcm ni mana boleh push..doa2 1 day pintu hati dorg terbuka..amiinnnn...keep on prayer k!..
ops,,blur la plak
After Ust Sobri had finished his talked,,we've to do some work in group..we've given a paper to each person,,fill up the questions..such as= your vision for this Ramadhan,,You mission,,and byk lg..masa isi jawapan tu,,serious rasa sayu..betapa hebat nya Ramadhan tu..Sabda Nabi SAW:
"Sekiranya ummatku mengetahui kebaikan di dalam bulan Ramadhan nescaya mereka menginginkan agar sepanjang tahun menjadi bulan Ramadhan" (Al-Hadis)..
After settled all that discussions,,we've got our tu..ada hikmah la aku datang..saving la harini..h0h0...after zuhr prayer,,the moment that i've waiting since that morning..a talked by Ust Abd Halim..yes yes yg aku paling minat sgt..ust ni aku tabik hormatt la...Ust Halim is a vice president of Isma..he've gave a talked about 'ini sejarah kita,dan peranan kita sebagai belia' was amazinggggg! sgt..even there was no slight show from him,,but every words he said,,it really means to us..a long talked from him was over about 3 in evening..masa tu tetibe rasa,,alah cepatnye betul tau,,memang best seminar cannot put into words how amazing it was..hope ianya dpt memberi kesan to my spiritual,and increasing faith to Allah..amin ya rabbal 'alamin..
I feel really now in my hardcore point of tired to cry,,im tired to keep depressed.. but i dont want to give it up..i really dont want..
Yesterday,,i felt like a craziest woman at all..i've done a stupid things to someone..i also got supsrised to myself..that was my first time in my life i do such that things..i do really wanna kill that stupid boy!!,,dont let me see ur face again ok..or i wondered ill do such damn things to u..u wanna kidding me right?but u actually drives me crazy and killed me silently..
But honestly,,it was my fault at all..i am the stupid girl was not my intention to do that to u my dear..i even not understand how come i could do it..frankly,,i am stress,,n depressed,,n tension of that stupid boy..he keeps disturbing me..before this i just ignore him,,but last night,,it was satan,,i dont realize what i've done..seriously,,saye x sedar ape yang saye dah buat..u can put the blame on me at all..
But to tell u,,i'd really suprised of ur reactions last not even know u..i am fulls of sorrow..i cant imagine how come u can say that to me..i know its all my fault,,i know im the stupid one,,i know ur in big trouble right now,..but u knew that it was not my intention to bombard harshingly towards u last night.. u knew how harsh i am last night..u knew how crazy i am..u knew it..but then,,did u realize of what u've said to me?did u realize it??..i know ur hurt because of me..i know all my fault..but please,,dont say such 'things' to me..u knew how much i hate that 'things'..i am really down because of that...!
Hey Zahidah,,cheer up lah!!..dont worry to0 much ok,,everything gonna be alright..Allah uji kejap je ni k..jgn sesekali tinggal doa k,,u know it dear..papepn,,Put Your Trust In Allah k..remember always ayat2 keramat ur sister ni:~~
There’s a hero, If you look into your heart, You don’t have to be afraid, Of what you are, There’s an answer, If you reach into your soul, And the sorrow that you know, Will melt away, And then the hero comes along, With the strength to carry on, And you cast your fears aside, And you know you can survive, So when you feel like hope is gone, Look inside you and be strong, And you’ll finally see the truth, That a hero lies in you.. It’s a long road, When you face your world alone, No one reaches out a hand, For you to hold, You can find love, If you search within yourself, And the emptiness you felt, Will disappear.. (:
1. I still cannot believe on what i have to believe right now..really depressed..maybe that 'things' was not happen to me..but its really affected to me..u know i always put myself to ur shoes right..maybe u can laugh because i cried about it,,but u never know how special ur in my heart..u never know that anything happen to u will reflect to me as well..i do not know why..but then,,i always feel that ways..i want to help u,,but i even have no idea after all..kalaulah awak tau ape dlm hati saye right now,,mesti awak pon akan cry as well..can u please tell me what can i do to help u?..please im begging..its really doesnt make sense..i knew that 'things' will happen..but then,,why must awak involve skali? just feeling to0 bad..saye tau mcm mane perasaan awk sekarang,,..kalaulah boleh patah balik mase,,saye sanggup ambik alih tempat awk..saye x nak awk yg,,knape tu yg terjadi?(T_T)
2. I do really miss kak Zura..eventhough we never meet to each other,,but u know how much i love glad to know a very kind and gorgeous person like u kak..ur just like my flesh n blood sister..had some chatting with u td,,and i just knew the truth..and its hurt..u know how shock i am to hear that..i cant strong no matter what happen ok..u know u can turn to me..i will be ur friend to rely on..frankly,,i'd totally suprised and my tears cannot help gushing down..
3. I speechless after all..lately,,i always feel that people were neglecting me..maybe its just satan,nak racun fikiran i..but then,,when i flash back it again and was true..and,bila i asked them what the heck is going on??..they said nothing..i asked again and again,,and i just got the same answers..i know u hide something from me..i told u many times,,i'd have a good instinct(welk2)...u are hiding something from me u know..please dont do this to me..ape awk dah janji dgn saye dulu?awk lupe ape janji awk?..please tell me the truth..tu je yg saye nak skarang nih...jgn lah seksa saye diam2...saye sakit..
and i need to stop right face just turn into red,,n panas...i'd want to cry loudly..(T_T)
i wanna type a lot of things..but to tell u guys,,i do really need to gonna to teach ngaji la..kat Villa Mont Kiara..but do wait for me k dear..i will be back..tonght ill keep on my blog..
I always dream that one day someone will give me a pet as a gift for my birthday..every single year,i just hope and wait for that impossible thing..but it never this year know how admired i am to have a pet..kempunan sgt3..
Last month my eldest sister got a rabbit..waahhh how jelouse i know that her baby rabbit is so so so cute..geram sgt2..she called it "Bit Bit"..But i do prefer to called it "Bunny"..lg comel kot..(mcmla aku pnye rabbit)..Bunny tu baru sebulan age die,,so teramatlah comell dan gerammmm...thats why i always back home on weekend,,sebab nak main dgn Bunny..dah macam anak sendiri plak..
Sampai kan my mom kate,,kalau Adah demam and feeling ill,,you better duduk usha and main dgn Bunny,,sebab its white color tu boleh affected kt immunity kite..boleh cpt mom la yg ckp..i ikot je..huhu..
how cute!
and it keeps asking for its food (kuat makan die ni!)
hey,whats de heck is that bunny?
so pampered la this baby.. kene belai dulu b4 die tdo..huhu
And thats some pic of bunny..want to put more pictures mase im hugging n main kejar2 dgn die,,tp i comot..hahaha...oh i almost forgot the other one..actually my family ada pet pon before this..its a cat,,its name Hurairah..just like a human parents put its name..just simply because Abu Hurairah (which is our prophet's sahabat),,very2 love cat..honour to know it!..tabik spring r..
But you know i really doesnt like cat..i didnt know why,,but since i was a kid lg,,memang takut dgn kucing (it seems like a tiger la)..huhu..weird kan,,how come i scared with a cat,but at the same time,,my family do have a cat..hahaha..i never play with it..not even once..nak touch pun takut2..i even weird with myself..and thats,,my brother n all my sis always keep disturbing me with it..memang suke kan tengok aku menjerit sekuat hati..suke tgk aku lari mcm kene kejar hantu kan,,mangkuk btol!..
Hurairah..i dont think ur cute k..
Dia ni paling kuat makan dlm family kitorg..semua yg kami makan tu jugak la yg die nak..geram tol..dah la suke panjat meja..
But foremost,,i love Bunny much!,,and hope one day i will have a pet to0..i teringin sgt nak pet mcm charmaine..(dlm comic Le Gardenie tu)..hehe..amiinnn...
I haven't been feeling very well since last week. Physically, I feel very, very exhausted. Fatigue seems to engulf me, threatening me to the death defying moments... But I fought it, and I managed to came about. Cheerful, and happy..feeling better each time.
My mc has finish by today..but really im not feeling to back uia yet..i do not know why,,maybe im still not really well..but then my parents told me to go clinic tell you,,im tired for being like this..they also asked me to back uia tomorrow..(n im happy to hear that)...(n_n)v
im really missing all my friends already..also my beloved craziest dormates,,my sayangness buddy,,n my cutest r u my dear??jgn la mati lg tau,,tunggu tuan awk blk dlu k..(i always talk to my orchid,,mcm org xbtol je)..huhuhu...but then,,my body didnt allow me to back hostel yet still feeling dizzy mcm org mereng..
one of my classmate called me just now..he said ust Aldaw had changes his powerful word into the new one..alaa ni yg sedih ni..i do really admired his "sampai disini sahaja" word..haha..till he changed it to an arabic word la plak..ceh hampeh btol fren said its all my fault,,suke ajuk ust,,tgk ust da tukar new word..huhu.. sumpah menyesal ajuk ust!..tgk die dah xnak gune ayat tu dah..=(
rindu la kat ust Aldaw..dah 2 hari x masuk class die..esok pon x msk jugak..serius rindu nk blaja ngn ust Aldaw,,even i always sleep in his class..keke..dush3...hope to see you on thursday tell you guys,,ust Aldaw is a tau dpt lecturer Sudan nih..we have to speak in arabic,,some kind like practising to be an arabian la,,tp dlm clas ust Aldaw,,im the quiet student after all..hahaha,,(nampak sgt xtau ckp arab)..but sometimes i bersuare la jgk,,tp tunggang terbalik not like my other friends,,especially Halim..tabik r..bdk Yaman katekan..!
I'm boring after all..just stay at home and play with Bunny, n surf internet..i cannot go anywhere,, mom told me bored!
The routine will be repeated. Yet again for tomorrow. Argh. Stress!
today im really feeling not so well...i woke up lately in the head just like spinning harshly..yg plng geram is that,,my bro n sis wanna going shopping,n they complot not to bring me along(kunun nk suruh i rest ckup2)..but,,elok je dorg going inside the car,,i was yelling to them...hahahaha,,mesti suprised kan how come i bleh tejage..haha..serve u nak x nak terpakse la dorg tunggu aku bersiap for about an hour..hahaha...
but to tell u guys,,seriously rse menyesal ikot dorg,,bru je sampai dah bising nk balek..pening btol kepaleku dgn the shopaholic,,but this is the first time i felt like i really hate this kind of dizzy...balek je rumah,,im going to pack my stuff(nk balek hostel dah..)huhuhu...but my parents told me not to back hostel yet..until im feeling yg besh nih,,my parents dah bg green light..kekeke...but then,,for tomorrow classes,,i've to skip lah..hehehe..sorry miss saridah,,sorry ust aldaw..i will not attend ur class for tomorrow...but not to worry then,,ill give u my mc gonna miss u guys...ust aldaw,,im gonna miss ur word'sampai disini sahaja'..hehehe..bad student i am..hohoho...
guys,,i really cannot stand anymore..i head btol2 pening right now..ive to take my rest la..till then..papai..(n_n)
"Tahniah encik." Cik Kerani Hospital tersenyum. melayu. tertudung manis. "anak encik comel."
"ya, saya sudah tahu sebelum anak saya keluar lagi." padat jawapan Encik Chong
cik kerani tergelak dalam hati. orang zaman ini memang cepat perasan. mungkin ikut perangai perdana menteri.
"cepat, isikan butir surat beranak anak saya. saya ada kerja lepas ini. ini bukan Norway, dapat anak baru, dapat sekali elaun kerajaan ribu-ribu. silap-silap saya kena pilih nak bayar tol atau bayar duit susu anak," encik chong gesa.
"baik encik. tak ada masalah." cik kerani senyum lagi, bagai tidak terkesan dengan muka muncung encik chong. dikeluarkan borang. nanti akan dimasukkan dalam kad pintar, macam mycard.
tiba-tiba telefon bimbitnya berbunyi. nada dering lagu indonesia. dan cik kerani angkat, dan berborak-borak, dan berb0rak-borak.
"sebentar ya encik, kawan saya call ajak shopping esok." cik kerani tersenyum lagi.
merah padam muka encik chong. marah. tapi bila dipandang papan tanda berhampirannya tertulis; HOSPITAL KERAJAAN. encik chong tak jadi mengamuk. dia faham normal itu bagaimana. beberapa minit kemudian, cik kerani habis berbual. tersenyum manis lagi, macam tadi. macam tak terkesan dengan merah padam muka encik chong.
"jadi, nama bapa? erm nama encik lah."
"Tan Chong bin Abdullah."
"oh, cina islam?" tanya cik kerani.
"ya. awak ada masalah?"
"saya tak ada," cik kerani tersenyum macam tadi. "tapi orang umno mungkin ada. mereka tak suka betul orang cina baca quran. tapi encik cina islam tak apalah"
"awak boleh sambung kerja awak?." encik chong meluat.
"nama ibu?" tanya cik kerani.
"Michelle Kok"
"habis awak ingat orang cina peluk islam sebab nak kahwin dengan awek melayu je?"
"baik-baik," cik kerani senyum lagi. "encik chong jangan marah-marah. sebab muka encik kalau marah macam khairy jamaluddin, buruk benar."
encik chong terkejut. tergamam cik kerani sanggup menyamakan mukanya dengan khairy jamaluddin.
"encik chong kahwin dengan cik michelle bila?"
"2 tahun lepas." ringkas jawapan encik chong. sengaja ringkas.
"masa kahwin, encik chong dengan cik michelle dah peluk islam?"
"dulu encik dan cik michelle agama apa?"
"kat mana kahwin?"
"bulan madu kat mana?"
"gaji encik berapa?"
"awak boleh sambung kerja awak?"
"so, nama anak?" tanya cik kerani, tenang macam tak ada apa-apa.
"kalau bercerai, kemudian contoh lah cik michelle keluar dari islam dan mahu anak encik ini mengikutnya masuk buddha balik, encik boleh tengok saja ya. tak boleh buat apa-apa."
encik chong ternganga. luas. paling luas.
"tapi nama anak saya Umar?"
"saya tahu. tapi nama negara ini Malaysia, encik chong."
this song is sweetheart to me..its not about the lyric itself,,but this song suddently came out on my unforgetable moments with some1..its really awesome,, whenever i heard this song,,that swweeeettttt memories will come out to my eyes... really touching...n for sure i really miss all those days...i miss that comfortable cushions,i miss that clumsy clown,,i miss that balloons,,n i miss everything la..sometimes i cried whenever i heard this 'its over' u still remember this song??oh God,,i still cannot erase that sweetest memories,,n i will never forget it..this song is really means to me...
We've run out of words we've run out of time We've run out of reasons really why we together We both know it's over baby bottom line It's best we don't even talk at all
Don't call me even if I should cross your mind Hard enough I don't need to hear your voice on my messages Let's just call it quits it's probably better So if I'm not returning your calls it's 'cause
'Cause I'm not comin' back I'm closing the door I used to be trippin' over missin' you but I'm not anymore I got the picture phone but baby your picture's gone Couldn't stand to see your smile every time you dialed
'Cause it's over Girl you know it's over this time So when you call I'm pressin' seven Don't wanna hear your messages messages I'm tryna erase you from my mind 'Cause it's over I swear girl it's over this time So don't keep callin' leavin' messages Don't wanna know where you been Baby 'cause it's over
I still wake up every morning quarter to ten I still eat my cereal right at the kitchen table I can't even remember how long it's been No trouble stayin' occupied
Oh they ask about you whenever I come around I do what I can not to put my business in the streets Last thing I need's another episode Keep conversation short and sweet because
'Cause I'm not comin' back I'm closing the door I used to be trippin' over missin' you but I'm not anymore I got the picture phone baby your picture's gone Couldn't stand to see your smile every time you dialed
'Cause it's over Girl you know it's over this time So when you call I'm pressin' seven Don't wanna hear your messages messages I'm tryna erase you from my mind 'Cause baby it's over I swear girl it's over this time So don't keep callin' leavin' messages Don't wanna know where you been Baby 'cause it's over
You know that it's over when the burnin' And the yearnin' inside your heart ain't there anymore And you know that you're through when she don't do to you And move you like the way she moved ya before
And you wanna pull her close But your heart has froze You kiss her but her eyes don't close Then she goes out of your heart forever And it hurts you but you know that it's better
Girl you know it's over Girl you know it's over this time So when you call I'm pressin' seven Don't wanna hear your messages messages I'm tryna erase you from my mind 'Cause it's over I swear girl it's over this time So don't keep callin' leavin' messages Don't wanna know where you been Baby 'cause it's over 'Cause it's over Girl you know it's over this time So when you call I'm pressin' seven Don't wanna hear your messages messages I'm tryna erase you from my mind 'Cause it's over I swear girl it's over this time So don't keep callin' leavin' messages Don't wanna know where you been Baby 'cause it's over
Wahai... pemilik nyawaku, Betapa lemah diriku ini, Berat ujian dariMu, Kupasrah semua padaMu.... tuhan...baruku sedar... indah, nikmat sehari itu... tak pandai aku bersyukur.. kini aku harapkan cintaMu Kata-kata cinta terucap indah Mengalir berzikir di kidung doaku Sakit yang kurasa biar... jadi penawar dosaku Butir-butir cinta air mataku Teringat semua yang kau beri untukku Ampuni khilaf dan salah.. selama ini Ya Ilahi Muhasabah cintaku... (T_T)
salam...hey guys,,sorry 4 da long time no post..huhu..its just a simptom of malas la nk type2.. but tonight t'tbe plak feeling nk post..btw,,i just arrived home from my tok n tok wan's m.ndak buat kenduri baby cute im thinkng that i will have a baby like that la..haha..tengah2 org busy ngn kenduri tu bleh plak la my head felt like so dizzy n my body such very eyes got some pain,,(but its not becoz my lens ok)..i hate this feeling..and as usual,,my dad la yg plng worry n rushingly took me to da la buat gempak je aku nih..huhu...
hhmm,,,after got a little conversation with that younger doc,,he told me that perhaps i got a i..but it just suspect je,,this monday i have 2 see him again?...laa ni yg mls ni..huhuhu...just imagine,,how could he gave me like a dozen medicine..nk bunuh aku ke ape ni..waaa...pnt nk telan satu2 ubat tu...
just now im having some chatting with my lovely kak zura...waahhh i miss u damn much kak..but it just a while,,x smpai 10 mnt kot,,huhu...hope we'll meet later on,,so that bleh la kite mumble rumble smpai mlm kn kak,,maklum la,,same2 talkative..hak2..
and actually,,to tell u guys da truth,,im waiting 4 someone..hhmm,,im waiting a call from him..tonight he wants to give me a suprised i thought..i do not know what is it,,it just my instinct..i have a very good instinct u know,,..n now im trying to be so patient n ready for what im going to face karang...i do not know why,,since dr umah tok td,,hati i asyek sedih je,,mate pn asyek berair je..until my tears cannot help gushing down td..xtau la knape..mcm sayu sgt3 tonight..(wt cuat je,,pdhal xtau pon ape2 lagi)...but,,its ok,,ill try to face anything strongly..
yg pasti,,i cannot feel that way,,i cannot feel so down,,..hey zahidah,,whatever happens,,please think about ur body k..ur stil weak,,please dun to0 will affected 2 ur immunity to0..but sure im stil wondering,,n scary..huhuhu...hope evrythings gonna be alrite..amiinn...
Suatu hari, seorang anak bertanya kepada ibunya, "Ibu, mengapa ibu menangis?" Ibunya menjawab, "Sebab ibu adalah perempuan, nak." "Saya tidak mengerti ibu," kata si anak. Ibunya hanya tersenyum dan memeluknya erat. "Nak, kau memang tak akan mengerti…"
Kemudian si anak bertanya kepada ayahnya. "Ayah, mengapa ibu menangis?" "Ibumu menangis tanpa sebab yang jelas," sang ayah menjawab. "Semua perempuan memang sering menangis tanpa alasan."
Si anak membesar menjadi remaja, dan dia tetap terus bertanya-tanya, mengapa perempuan menangis? Hingga pada suatu malam, dia bermimpi dan bertanya kepada Tuhan, "Ya Allah, mengapa perempuan mudah menangis?" Dalam mimpinya dia merasa seolah-olah mendengar jawapannya:
"Saat Ku ciptakan wanita, Aku membuatnya menjadi sangat utama. Kuciptakan bahunya, agar mampu menahan seluruh beban dunia dan isinya, walaupun juga bahu itu harus cukup nyaman dan lembut untuk menahan kepala bayi yang sedang tertidur.
"Kuberikan wanita kekuatan untuk dapat melahirkan bayi dari rahimnya, walau kerap berulangkali menerima cerca dari si bayi itu apabila dia telah membesar.
"Kuberikan keperkasaan yang akan membuatnya tetap bertahan, pantang menyerah saat semua orang sudah putus asa.
"Ku berikan kesabaran jiwa untuk merawat keluarganya walau dia sendiri letih, walau sakit, walau penat, tanpa berkeluh kesah.
"Kuberikan wanita perasaan peka dan kasih sayang untuk mencintai semua anaknya dalam apa jua keadaan dan situasi. Walau acapkali anak-anaknya itu melukai perasaan dan hatinya. Perasaan ini pula yang akan memberikan kehangatan pada anak- anak yang mengantuk menahan lelap. Sentuhan inilah yang akan memberikan kenyamanan saat didakap dengan lembut olehnya.
"Kuberikan wanita kekuatan untuk membimbing suaminya melalui masa-masa sukar dan menjadi pelindung baginya. Sebab bukannya tulang rusuk yang melindungi setiap hati dan jantung agar tak terkoyak.
"Kuberikan kepadanya kebijaksanaan dan kemampuan untuk memberikan pengertian dan menyedarkan bahawa suami yang baik adalah yang tidak pernah melukai isterinya. Walau seringkali pula kebijaksanaan itu akan menguji setiap kesetiaan yang diberikan kepada suami agar tetap berdiri sejajar, saling melengkapi dan saling menyayangi.
"Dan akhirnya, Kuberikan wanita air mata, agar dapat mencurahkan perasaannya. Inilah yang khusus kepada wanita, agar dapat dia gunakan bila-bila masa pun dia inginkan. Ini bukan kelemahan bagi wanita, kerana sebenarnya air mata ini adalah "air mata kehidupan."
ALLAH S.W.T berfirman: "Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan " "Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya " "Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh " "Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya " "Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya " "Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu" "Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk dititiskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."
tidakkah Kau tahu:" Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya. Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, kerana itulah pintu hatinya tempat dimana cinta itu ada." Selami lah hati wanita mu.. dan ingat lah..., ...Setiap Wanita itu Cantik...
Air mata seorang wanita adalah anugerah yang diberikan kepadanya untuk digunakannya setiap ketika ia inginkan...
salam alaik..for those who always keep in touch with me at syauqatul wardah,,,ive moved to the new site..well,,ive to manage my new blog just simply of some reasons...sorry a lot yeah..
currently in kl..ex smksp batch friends called me zaid,,n im used to juz an ordinary gurl..proud to be a muslimah and have to learn a lot about ISLAM..ALLAH is my only last longer lover..
Dalam kita melangkah terkadang diuji dengan ujian yang sungguh berat hingga kita terduduk menangis..peritnya terasa..tetapi ketahuilah dan renungilah kembali ke dalam diri kerana mungkin air mata tika itu hadir kerana DIA mahu kita menjahit kembali sejadah iman yang kian terkoyak lantaran ada langkah-langkah yang tersasar dari keikhlasan dan semoga kita tabah dan ditetapkan iman..amin ya rabbal 'alamin...